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Starting as a Contract Rig Pusher and then a Representative for an Oil Company, I realized the importance of “Documentation” and it’s importance to the overall Safety and Cost Control of a project.

Once we acquired Oilfield Safety Anchor Service Inc. in 2001. It was opportunity to create a way of tracking anchor installation dates, test dates, and documenting anchor equipment. Because we had no website at the time. I created folders for each of our customers with separate files for each of the leases so we could at least track the activity.

In 2004, While searching all of the anchor service websites, I never came across a “Client” Section where customers could log in and check anchor locations, Installation and test dates. I hired a up and coming computer programmer to build our site. Since neither of us had seen a Client Section like this before, we started with the basics ( The Excel Format ) and built the Client Section from there, also adding a program to notify our customers monthly of anchors that are either due or will be due 90 days from the email for testing. The Oilfield Safety Anchor Service website was launched in 2005 and whether you are a Major Oil Company with hundreds of wells or a small operator with a few wells. If you hire our company to take care of your anchoring needs, your information will be on our website.

Over the last 10 years, several of our customers have started using the website to help in their planning of their well work. They can log into the client section or obtain the information from the monthly Email reminder to see what wells are due or will be coming due within the next 90 days. This has helped them greatly in budgeting and optimizing their rig moves to insure there is no down time with a rig waiting on anchors or an anchor test.


Aera Energy (Ventura)

“It’s a tool I use all of the time prior to updating the rig schedule. It is nice because it is simple to use and helps with Job planning. – Frances Cervantes

Chevron (San Ardo)

“We rely on it when doing our job planning. It is a quick way to find out the anchor status to help with planning” – Janette

CRC (Elk Hills)

“It is a great tool, easy to login and get the information that you need for job planning” – Bob Munn

CRC (Central Valley)

“It is amazing, who would have thought someone would have a site and database dedicated to rig Anchors”
Paul Owen